The Red Chair crossroads marks the border with County Cork. This crossroads is the site of the murder of Mahon, King of Munster in 976. Mahon had been on a visit to Bruree when he was captured and killed by his rivals. He was succeeded by his younger brother Brian Boru, who later went on to become the High King of Ireland and died at the Battle of Clontarf in 1014. The area is also connected with many of the legends of the Fianna. The Ballahoura Mountains were the hunting grounds where the Fianna used to hunt the Liath na dTrí mBeann "the grey one of the three antlers". According to legend St Patrick visited the area about 460 and that he was shown around the region by one of the warriors of the Fianna, Caoilte. The Ballahoura Mountains include Kilcruaig Mountain, which stands at
1,323 feet, and the Galtee Mountains, which dominate the surrounding
countryside. The Palatines came to this area to settle and helped in
the development of the area during the 18th century. The population
of the parish is currently around 750. Heritage Project Home | Glenroe-Ballyorgan Home | Back to Top