Grottoes | Holy Wells |
At the back of the graveyard at St Brigid's church, there is a grotto to the Blessed Virgin Mary. There are also grottoes situated at Fair Green, Reboge and behind the parish priest's house on the Dublin Road.
St Patrick's well is situated in Singland. Danaher described the well as being in 'a small field in which are the well, the round path and three natural rocks'. Today the well is surrounded by houses and is at the bottom of the hill on which St Brigid's church is situated. Above the well, there is a statue to St Patrick, which was erected in 1904 by the priests and parishioners of the parish through public subscription. Behind the statue there is a plaque that lists the members of the committee responsible for the erection of the statue.
The three rocks are the stations at the well. Devotions still take place at the well and it is usually visited on March 17th. It is claimed that the water cures sore eyes. It is also believed that this is where St Patrick baptised Cairtheann, who was the son of Blatt and the Chief of the Dál gCais at this well in 440 AD. According to legend, when St Patrick was building his church, he could not find any water to help in the construction. He prayed for water and the well sprang up. It is claimed that the print of his feet can be seen on one of the rocks at the well. Begley states that in addition to the well in Singland, there was also a rocky bed where Patrick slept. Ruins were visible in the 1770s but nothing now remains. Grottoes | Holy WellsHeritage Project Home | St Patrick's Parish Home | Back to Top |