© Robertstown graveyard
There are five graveyards in the parish of Shanagolden-Robertstown-Foynes.
Robertstown graveyard is situated in the grounds of a church ruin, about
a quarter of a mile by road from the present day Robertstown church. At
Robertstown graveyard the oldest headstone that we came across was from
November 1788 and it was in memory of Joanna O'Brien.

© Mount Pleasant graveyard
Mount Pleasant graveyard is situated close to the boundary
line between the parish of Shanagolden/Robertstown/Foynes and Askeaton/Ballysteen
parish. At Mount Pleasant the oldest headstone that we found was from
1817 but according to Canon O'Keeffe's records, the oldest headstone in
the graveyard dates from 1785, and is in memory of a W. Casey who died
aged 46.

© Shanagolden graveyard
Shanagolden graveyard is situated across from the Community
Hall. The oldest headstone that we came across in Shanagolden cemetery
dated from 1814. However, according to Canon O'Keeffe's records on the
headstones in the cemetery, the oldest headstone is from 1703. It is in
memory of M. Pierce Green who died on November 12th 1703. On the headstone
are the words "killed by the Tories".

© Kilmoylan graveyard
There is also a graveyard located in the grounds of Kilmoylan
church ruin. In Kilmoylan graveyard, the oldest headstone is in memory
of Owne Mulkere who died on the 10th of March 1808 at the age of 92. There
is also a plaque to the Desmond and Crimmins families in the ruins of
the old church.

© Knockpatrick graveyard
The fifth graveyard surrounds the historic site of Knockpatrick.
The oldest headstone here is in memory of Fr Philip O'Nolain who died
in 1738 after only one year as parish priest of Shanagolden. Also buried
on Knockpatrick is Charlotte Smith O'Brien, the daughter of William Smith
O'Brien who was a Member of Parliament in Westminster for over 20 years,
where he represented his constituents with distinction. Charlotte died
on June 3 1909 aged 63.