The original church in Foynes was built in the early 1870s
but the design of architect J. J. McCarthy was never completed due to
a shortage of funds. John Ryan & Son, Limerick built the church on
a site given by Lord Monteagle. The church cost £1,864. 13s. 9d.
and over 670 people contributed to its construction. "The Munster
News" states in its edition of 18th April 1874 that most of the credit
for the building of the church should go to Stephen E. de Vere. |
Within the church there is a stained glass window of the Body and Blood at the back door. In the back porch of the church there is a picture of Our Lady of Limerick. On the right wall of the church opposite the altar, there is a crest of the Lamb of God that is cut from stone. Also on this side of the church there is a shrine to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour.
To the right of the main altar is a mosaic of Mary and Child and further right there is a mosaic to St Theresa of Liseux. On the opposite side of the church there is a mosaic of the Sacred Heart while further left there is a mosaic of St Joseph.
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