Church Ruins
© Teampull na hIngine Baoit
The oldest church ruin in the parish is called "Teampull
na hIngine Baoit" after the Dalcassian saint, St Baoith. The
ruin is situated in Strand. Westropp claims that Lewis was incorrect in
calling the church "The Church of the Devout Daughter". He also
lists a church called Killocally, which he says may in fact have been
the church in Strand. In 1839 the north and east walls fell in the "Night
Of the Big Wind". The ruins are now over grown but the remaining
walls are in good condition. There are two windows in the south wall as
well as what appears to be a door or large window. Fr Irwin believes that
this site may have been an abbey when it was first built. Locals claim
that there was a tunnel connecting the church in Strand to the castle
at Glenquin. However, there is no proof as to the existence of this tunnel.
© Rathcahill church ruin
According to Begley, there was a church in Rathcahill, which was mentioned
in the records in 1302, and which was burned in 1306. The site of this
church was across from Lady's Well. All that remains of this church is
a pier that was probably part of the entrance to the church.
Begley concludes that after the fire of 1306, the church was rebuilt
in the townland of Monagea, in the parish of Rathcahill. During the penal
era, the church returned to Rathcahill. About the beginning of the nineteenth
century, the church was again removed to Monagea. The parish was renamed
Monagea. The ruin of this church can now be seen in the graveyard at Monagea.