The original church in Kilfinny was built in 1790. When it was first built the roof was thatched and the church has been rebuilt three times since 1790. It is dedicated to St Kieran. As you enter the church, the doors contain stained glass windows of St
Ciarán on the right and St Finneach on the left. This is a large
church with a high ceiling. To the left of the altar there is a statue
to the Sacred Heart and on the right, there is a statue to Blessed Virgin.
Over the altar, which is wooden, there is a depiction of the crucifixion that includes the Irish phrase "I líontaibh dé go gcastar sinn" which means, "May we be caught up in the net of the Lord". Painted on the wall behind the altar are shoals of fish swimming into the tabernacle. Heritage Project Home | Croagh-Kilfinny Parish Home | Back to Top |