Holy Wells | Grange Stone Circle | Lough Gur |
A well called Tubberclarín, Tubberclareen, was located in Milltown, Bruff. Its location was close to where the Mullins Trench enters the Morning Star. According to Pat Quilty, the usual rituals were associated with this well, and it continued to be visited up to the end of the 19th century. Danaher also mentioned Blunny's Well in Tullabrocky. However, the site of this well is no longer known. It may have been recently domesticated for use by the Leo family. The well was located near the Leo dwelling house according to Mr. Quilty. St Margaret's Well, now gone, was east of Uregare graveyard. Grange Stone Circle - Ciorcal Liag Na Gráinsí
The stone circle at Grange is the largest and finest in Ireland. Almost certainly a religious site, it had been built by 2100BC, by Bronze Age people living around the lake. Mass was said here on New Year's Day 2000, and this location is sometimes used as a venue for weddings. It consists of an accurately set out ring of standing stones, some of which are more than eight feet high. According to the information board located by the stone circle, there are 123 standing stones in total. These stones are set upright in sockets and surrounded by a man-made bank of earth, turf, and small stones. The interior has an artificial floor of gravelly earth about 70cms above the original ground level. On midsummer's morning as the sun rises, the narrow rays of light shine directly through the narrow entrance passageway and into the centre of the circle.
Lough Gur is located about 20 km from Limerick City and about 4km from Bruff. The development of Lough Gur as a tourist centre started in the 1970's. The visitors' centre was opened in 1981. A museum displays copies of relics that have been retrieved from the lake and its surrounds during excavation. Lough Gur is C-shaped and the rock peninsula of Knockadoon is set within the arms of the C. Local legend has it that the ghost of Gearóid, Earl of Desmond,
is bound to ride across the lake on his milk-white horse once every seven
years until its silver shoes are worn out. Only then will it be free of
the spell of Lough Gur. Holy Wells | Grange Stone Circle | Lough GurHeritage Project Home | Bruff-Meanus-Grange Parish Home | Back to Top |