Ballingarry Church | Granagh Church | Church Ruins |
According to "Exploring Limerick's Past" by Patrick J. O'Connor, the Roman Catholic Church at Ballingarry has been on the same site since the early 18th century. Westropp mentions a church in Ballingarry since 1172. This church was located near the Protestant church. According to Begley, a part of the east gable remained of the old church in Ballingarry. It was dedicated to St. Evanjanus whose feastday is on August 1st and is located near the Protestant church.
Kilmacanearla is the site of a church ruin and in 1903 Westropp measured the church as 15 feet of the west wall and 32 feet of the south wall. Most of the church fell in the storm of January 6th 1839. The site of the church is now marked by a clump of trees on a piece of raised ground. Kilshane was the site of a Franciscan house and was founded by Fitzgerald
of Cleanglass. In 1410 it was called the Monastery of St. John of the
Third Order of St. Francis. However, we do not have a date for the foundation
of the abbey. Westropp also mentions a church ruin called Morenane, of which only fragments remained in 1905, when he conducted his research. Ballingarry Church | Granagh Church | Church RuinsHeritage Project Home | Ballingarry-Granagh Home | Back to Top |