© Beagh graveyard
The graveyard in Beagh contains a number of tombs. The oldest headstone
that we found here dates from 1760 and is to the memory of Dudley Jovnt
who died on June 28th of that year aged 56. The surname may possibly be
spelt as Jount or Joynt as the 'v' is unclear on the headstone.
At the Franciscan Friary, there is a graveyard along with a number of
headstones that are in various parts of the Friary. In the main graveyard,
just inside the main gate, is an unusual headstone. Prior to his death,
a cooper named Mikie Magner, who died in early 1950s, designed and built
this crude cross as his own headstone. The oldest headstone that we found
in the friary dates from 1750 and was to John O'Connor who died aged 52.
The month on the headstone is indecipherable.
© St Mary's graveyard
At St. Mary's church, both Protestants and Roman Catholics are buried
in the adjoining graveyard. There are a number of tombs in the graveyard.
Near the present day church lies the grave of the poet Aubrey de Vere.
There are a number of interesting headstones in the graveyard. One of
these headstones is to Joseph Blackaller who died on November 14th 1795,
aged 28. The headstone mentions that Blackaller died on board the ship
the Carnalle that was bound for East India or was a ship belonging to
the East India Trading Company.
The oldest headstone that we found in the graveyard was to Lawerence
Connell who died on June 24th 1780, aged 60. This inscription is followed
with the words; "Here lies 19 of his children".

© Lismakeery graveyard
The graveyard in Lismakeery is in good condition, which is due to the
work of a local committee. The oldest headstone that we came across was
in memory to Mary Reddan who died on March 8th 1781, at the age of 50.
