St Patrick's Well lies a short distance to the South West of the ruins of the church on top of Ardpatrick hill. It was once 40 feet deep, faced with stone, and had steps leading to it. Little trace of it now remains, however. According to legend, cattle are said to have been cured by its water. People seeking cures for lameness, rickets and rheumatism also used it. Tradition claimed that any pilgrim who was unable to see his reflection in its water would die within the year.
Another well, called St Anne's well, was reputedly in the parish of Ardpatrick, located in the fields across from the parochial house. The exact location of the well is uncertain, but as a result of information we received from Fr Browne we believe we found the site of the well. The well is believed to cure eye ailments and a pattern was held on July 26th, the feast of St. Anne. No devotions are currently held here. According to Danaher, there were two wells in the townland of Mortlestown, called Toberatea and Tobereen, which were reputedly Holy Wells. However, Danaher questions the authenticity of these wells.
Bishop Henry Murphy, the Bishop of Limerick from 1958-1973, was a native of the parish of Ardpatrick. He was born in Ballinafina on the 19th of May 1912. He was ordained in Maynooth on the 21st of June 1936, and became Bishop on the 31st of August 1958. Bishop Murphy died on the 8th of October 1973. The local community together with the help of a FÁS scheme dedicated a shrine to Our Lady of the Rosary on August 15th 1989. The shrine is located in a small park in honour of Bishop Murphy.