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Title: Echoes of Ballingaddy
URL: http://homepage.tinet.ie/~billyom/Echoes/main.htm
Description: Online version of "O'Mahony, Catherine, Echoes of Ballingaddy,
Abbey Printing Works, Kilmallock, 1988", courtesy of Billy O'Mahony
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We will be happy to review all links submitted, and add any that are relevant
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We would like to thank all those who have helped us and contributed to
the project since its formation in June 1999.
Bishop Donal
All of those
in the Limerick Diocesan Office, including Rev. Michael Wall, Rev. Tony
Mullins, Ms Mary Ryan-Mulqueen, Ms Aoife Bresnan, Ms Margaret Dalton and
Ms Eileen Flynn
Liam Irwin for
correcting and proof-reading our work, and Rev. Michael Breen, for his
computer expertise, both of Mary Immaculate College
All of the Parish
Priests and local historians and parishioners who showed us the sites
of their parishes and provided us with valuable local knowledge
Canon Micheál
Liston, for providing books on the history of the Diocese of Limerick
David Fenwick,
who was involved in the project at its beginning
Mike Sadlier,
for his computer expertise
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this work. Without all of
you this would not have been possible.
Matthew Tobin and Lisa O'Connor.
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of the Catastrophe", Irish Independent, Thursday, September 9th 1926
150 Years of
Primary Education in Cratloe, McNamara Printers, Shannon, 2000
A Brief Sketch
of the History of the Old Dominican Abbey & Convent of Mercy, Limerick,
O’Brien & Ards Printers, Dublin, 1913
Barrow, George
Lennox, The Round Towers of Ireland, The Academy Press, 1979
Beggan, George,
Barony of Pubblebrien
Begley, John
Canon, Diocese of Limerick, Vols. I, II, III., Reprint 1993, O’Brien
– Toomey, Limerick
Browne, Pius
J. A., A History of Bruff & District – M. A. Thesis, 1976-1978
Volume 1, Department of Irish History, UCC, Cork, 1977
Butler, Thomas
C., Augustinians in Limerick, Limerick, 1988
Byrnes, Martin,
The strange Askeaton Pilgrim, Limerick Leader
Coote, James
et al, The ITV Book of the Olympics 776 BC -1980, ITV Books, London, 1980
of Limerick, Limerick – Official Guide & Street Map, Limerick
Leader, Limerick 1999
Costello, Fergus,
Corpus Christi Church, Moyross, Limerick 1999Jackson, Robert
Wyse, The Story of Limerick, Mercier Press, Dublin 1973
Cratloe News,
Cratloe Community Council, 1994-2000
Crawford, Rev.
Thomas, Various Documents.
Cronin, Patrick,
The Auld Town – A Chronicle of Askeaton, Co. Limerick, Treaty Press,
Limerick, 1995
Curtin, Gerard,
Recollections of Our Native Valley, Fitzsimons, Shanagolden, 1996
Cusack, Ita,
The Little Church
Danaher, Kevin,
The Holy Wells of Co. Limerick, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland,
Dublin 1955
Jackson, Robert Wyse, The Story of Limerick, Mercier Press, Dublin 1973
Echoes of the
Abbey, from Macalla na Mainistreach, 1998 no.3, 1982 no.1
Egan, Fr. Bartholomew,
Franciscan Limerick, John English Ltd., Wexford, 1971
Famine Memorial
Park, Kilmallock, Commemoratory Booklet.
Feheny, John
M., Ballysteen – The People & The Place, Iverus Publications,
Cork, 1988
W. & Hannan, K., In the Shadow of the Spire – A Profile of St.
Parish, Limerick Leader, Limerick, 1991
Fleadh Cheoil
Fleming, John,
Ardpatrick, Co. Limerick, 1978
Fleming, John,
St John’s Cathedral, Limerick, Four Courts Press Ltd., Dublin, 1987
Fleming, Sean
& O’Grady, Sean, St Munchin’s College, Limerick, 1796-1996,
Limerick 1996
Frost, James,
County of Clare – Irish Local Names Explained, George McKern &
Sons, Limerick, 1906
Frost, James,
The History and Topography of the County of Clare, The Mercier Press,
Galloway, Peter,
The Cathedrals of Ireland, The Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen’s
University of Belfast, Belfast, 1992
Parish, God’s Acre
Glesson, Willie,
W., A Brief History of St Munchin’s Church
Inse Bán, Nollaig 1997
Hannan, Kevin,
Limerick – Historical Reflections, Leader Print, Limerick, 1996
Harrold, John,
Bruree – A Very Special Place, Bruree-Rockhill Development Association
Healy, Gerard,
The Hidden Excitement of Monaleen & Milford, Pallas Publications,
Pallaskenry 1991
Hodkinson, Brian,
Excavations at Ballinphunta Wedge Tomb, 1991
Hogan, Arlene,
Kilmallock Dominican Priory, Cumann Staire Chill Mocheallog, 1991
Hurley, Richard
& Cantwell, Wilfred, Contemporary Irish Church Architecture, Gill
& MacMillan, Dublin, 1985
Jackson, Maureen,
Old Churches of this Parish
Jackson, Robert
Wyse, The Story of Limerick, Mercier Press, Dublin 1973
Kelly, E.P.,
Tom Condit, “Limerick’s Tara”, Archaeology Ireland,1998
Kelly, Kitty
et al, The Parish of St Munchin & St Lelia 1799-1999, Ryan Printers
Ltd., Limerick, 1999
Kemmy, Jim (ed.),
Limerick Compendium, Dublin 1997
Knott, Mary
John, Two Months at Kilkee, William Curry & Co., Dublin, 1836
Knowing Our
Community, Thomond Printing Co. Ltd., Limerick
Le Grand, Albert,
Jean-Michel Picard (translator), A Seventeenth-Century Life of Saint Senan,
Leaflet for
“Restored Sanctuary of Robertstown”, 27th June 1996
Leaflet for
“St Senan’s Catholic Church, Foynes
Leaflet for
Eucharistic Celebration, 28th September 1996
Lenihan, Maurice,
History of Limerick, Reprint 1991, Mercier, Cork
Lewis, Samuel,
A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland, Lewis, London, 1837
Limerick –
A Handbook of Local History, Treaty Press, Limerick
Liston, Sean,
Ed. , Diocesan Heritage Project for the Millennium; Knockaderry/Clouncagh
Parish, March 1998
Lyddy, Margaret
M., St Joseph's Parish - A History, Treaty Press, Limerick, 1994 Murphy,
C. M., Limerick City – An Architectural Guide, Irish Elsvier Printers
Ltd., 1986
Lyons, Canon
Timothy J., A Century and a Half, Diocesan Heritage Project
Mac Bradai,
Yann-Philippe, St. John’s Church, Cratloe, Co. Clare
Mac Leod, Caitríona,
"A Carved Oak Nursing Madonna from Askeaton Co. Limerick".
Mainistir na
McCormack, Fr.
Martin, Exploring Pallaskenry’s Past – A Journal of Local
History, 1995
McCormack, Fr.
Martin, Reflections on Kildimo – A Journal of Local History
McMahon, Jerry,
North Munster Antiquarian Journal, Vol. 36, 1995
Moloney, M.,
Limerick's Patron
Murphy, C. M.,
Limerick City – An Architectural Guide, Irish Elsvier Printers Ltd.,
Clare 1986
Murphy, E. J.,
History, Art & Architecture of the Places of Worship in Limerick City,
Limerick 1998
Nolan, Myles,
Dominicans in Limerick 1227-1977, Limerick, 1977
Ó Caoimh,
Tomás, Clonfert to Mount Brandon 2000, Kingdom Printers Ltd., Tralee
O Loineachain,
Liam (ed.), Failte go Tournafulla, July 1995
Cian (ed.), Dowd’s History of Limerick, O’Brien Press, Dublin
Patrick J., Exploring Limerick’s Past, Oireacht na Mumhan, Newcastle
West, 1987
Rev. David, Cill Íde, 1997
Máirtín, Kenry: The Story of a Barony in County Limerick,
Dundalgan Press a Chlóbhuail, 1975
J. & Others, Ordnance Survey Letters – Clare Vol. III, M.
Bray, 1928
John, & Curry, Eugene, The Antiquities of County Clare, CLASP Press,
John, Field Name Books of the City and County of Limerick, with placenames,
English and Irish as explained by John O’Donovan, Ordinance Survey,
Dublin, 1839-40
Bishop Patrick, and Conn O’Rourke, “The Beatified Martyrs
of Ireland (1)”, Irish Theological Quarterly, Issue 64, 1999
Catherine, Echoes of Ballingaddy, Abbey Printing Works, Kilmallock, 1988
Maurice, History of Kilfinane (local historian)
Denis, A Spot So Far – Tales from St Mary’s, Leader Print,
Limerick 1999
Denis, The Pig Buyer & The Pope, Leader Print, Limerick, 1999 Seoighe,
Manchin, Portrait of Limerick, Hale, London 1982
Noel, Barraig Eoin
Noel, In the Footsteps of St Senan
O'Connor, Fifty
Years at Mount Saint Alphonsus 1853-1903, Limerick 1903
O'Donovan, John,
Eugene Curry, The Antiquities of County Clare, CLASP Press, 1997
O'Donovan, John,
et al., Ordinance Survey Letters Clare, Vol. II, Bray, 1928
Dónal, & Séamas Ó'Cinnéide, The history
and Folklore of Parteen and Meelick, Limerick, 1990
John, A History of the Church in Killagholehane and Broadford, 1988
Parish of Manister;
concelebrated Mass at the ruins of the Cistercian abbey, 1986.
Postal Directory
of Munster
Frank, Mayorstone & Coolraine - A Brief Historical Sketch, Limerick,
Pupils of Cratloe
N. S., History of Cratloe Parish, 1971
Reilly, Fiona,
Archaeology in the Cratloe Area
Reilly, Fiona,
Pre-Conservation Survey of Craughaun Church & Graveyard, Co. Clare,
Ryan, Thomas,
The Chapel on the Hill – A Curate’s Chronicle, 1987
Seoige, Mainchin,
Co. Limerick – It’s people and places, Treaty, Limerick, 1993
Seoige, Mainchin,
Portrait of Limerick, Hale, London 1982
Seoige, Mainchin,
The Story of Kilmallock, Kilmallock Historical Society, 1987
Seoige, Manchin,
Portrait of Limerick, Hale, London 1982
Seoighe, Mainchin,
Co. Limerick – It’s people and places, Treaty, Limerick, 1993
Seoighe, Mainchín,
Dromin/Athlacca, Glór na nGael, Limerick, 1979
Seoighe, Mainchin,
Portrait of Limerick, Hale, London, 1982
Sheehan, John,
A Corner of Limerick, Limerick, 1989
Simington, Robert
C., Civil Survey, Govt. Publications, Dublin, 1938
Spellissy S.,
O’Brien J., Limerick – The Rich Land, Spellissy-O’Brien,
Ennis 1989
Spellissy, S.,
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Spellissy, S.,
O’Brien J., Limerick – The Rich Land, Spellissy-O’Brien,
Ennis, 1989
Spellissy, Sean,
The History of Limerick City, The Celtic Bookshop, Limerick 1998
Spellissy, Sean,
The History of Limerick City, The Celtic Bookshop, Limerick 1998
St. Munchin’s
Folk 1948/9, Limerick Leader, Limerick, 1948/9
Stalley, Roger,
The Cistercian Monasteries of Ireland, Yale University Press, London,
Stalley, Roger,
The Cistercian Monasteries of Ireland, Yale University Press, London,
Stewart, D.,
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Talbot, M. J.,
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Taylor, Kathleen,
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The Kerryman,
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Toomey, Tom,
Harry Greensmyth, An Antique and Storied Land, McKern’s Ltd.,1991
Treasures of
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Tynan, Michael
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Ua Cróinín,
Risteárd & Breen, Martin, The Three Cratloes
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Westropp, T.
J., A Survey of the Ancient Churches in the County of Limerick, Royal
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Westropp, T.
J., Churches of County Clare, University Press, Dublin, 1900
Westropp, Thomas
Johnson, A Survey of the Ancient Churches in the County of Limerick, Royal
Irish Academy, Dublin 1905
Yataki, Anne,
“A Taste of the Unseen”, Farmer’s Journal, 1999
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Photographs reproduced on this website are the original content of the
Limerick Diocesan Heritage Project unless otherwise stated. Sources for
the written information on the site are listed in the bibliography
and are referenced whenever used in the site.
Please seek permission to reproduce any of the material on this site
by emailing copyright@limerickdioceseheritage.org